mardi 20 mai 2014

On the road

This journey, like many of the best ones, starts in an unsuspected s***hole. James was terribly generous to pick me up at 5am on the first day of my month long holiday, and drive me to... Norwich.

Norwich where the airport has a £10 charge for entering the terminal. I'm stingy, I know, but I just don't like having random unavoidable charges stuffed at my face when it is obvious that me and all my co-travellers will pay without question.
Anyway, I pay, enter, and wait. And wait some more. Aaaand the aircraft's engine has suffered some damage during the previous flight. So 50 minutes after the planned departure, we board and are told the reason of the delay : they flew through a flock of seagulls and noticed a strange smell. I guess the engineer had to clean the corpse(s) !

After a very short flight and some complimentary biscuits filled with caramel and a yoghurt pot of water, we hop on a bus that drives us to the terminal, where I still have over 2 hours to kill.
I realised 2 things on that very short first flight. The first one is that Holland is a Very neat country. Not only are the fields freakishly square, but so are villages, blocks of houses, and even lakes. And the second one is that I'm really going to Japan. Being conscious of being on that plane, I realised I was very soon going to be physically in Japan, with Laura, in the middle of all that 'fremdness'. The sort of thought that occurs in a split second but takes ten thousand times that time to try to explain.

Oh and here I am now, sat on the footrest of some toilets of Amsterdam international airport, plugged into the only socket I could find to make my battery will last, failing to create this blog.

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